Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Reports: Russian President Vladimir Putin Addresses Bitcoin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued his first remarks on bitcoin and digital currencies in an educational forum broadcast on domestic TV network Russia 24.

Local news sources including Gazeta, state-operated news agency RIA and TASS are reporting Putin indicated his belief that the Bank of Russia, the country's central bank, has so far taken a reasonable stance on the technology by exploring, not rejecting, its applications.

Further, he suggested that while he considered the use of digital currency as money to be perhaps problematic, the technology could be best considered as a novel way to calculate transactions.

In a loose translation of the remarks, Putin is quoted as stating:

"There are real serious fundamental problems with extensive use, in any case, today."

A spokesperson for the president later specified in a separate announcement that he was speaking broadly about digital currency technology, not specifically bitcoin.

The announcement follows reports that the country's lawmakers had updated a draft bill aimed at outlawing the use of digital currencies as monetary surrogates.

Bitcoin News will update this article with formal translations shortly.

Bank of RussiaRussiaVladimir Putin

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